I would give it 5 stars I just want it full screen that it! Its a sick game
I would give it 5 stars I just want it full screen that it! Its a sick game
Okay this HAS to be updated. The last update was another lifetime ago. This game is awesome and I play it all the time but you need to update and add more different branches of troops and more!
without being able to go back. and play past level
Trust me, dont buy it
It is great but a multiplayer would be great
I love this game but an update is long overdue! Allow going back to stages like in the Samsung version and add more things to the shop and more units/unit upgrades. People want more late game stuff so you dont get bored when reach the late stages. One thing that I really want from the game is being able to upgrade the gold a lot more to take out some of the grinding. Thank you for this game
This is REALY not worth it itll take months or years to get the good things its up to you so... Not really worth it☹️
Androidのやつはクリアしたステージができるのに、iPhoneはできない…。 GOLDも貯めにくいですΣ(゚д゚lll) Android版みたいにしてーっ(~_~;)
O yeeeee MAn xD. !! ! !!
it was a great game until the last update! cooltime has increased and now it is impossible to understand which unit is which! and arrows has become useless! there should be an option to switch to the older version
Please update it it does not fit iphone 6
Best game ever made
This is the best game Ive ever played! Waiting for new options :)
Cartoon Wars é bellissimo io sono 1* in classifica
Ottimo il gioco, comprato prima dellaggiornamento e devo proprio dire era meglio prima la nuova grafica proprio non mi piace, inoltre le frecce sono rese meno efficaci dato che cadono tutte nello stesso punto quando sono al massimo della distanza e non su unarea maggiore. La grafica è troppo "infantile"(nel senso che sembra fatta per attirare lattenzione di un pubblico più giovane, troppo giovane direi), poi cosè sta storia del castello rosa?? 3 stelle perchè il gioco è grandioso e spero tu possa risolvere The game is great, i bought it before the refurbishment and i have to say, it was way better before, the graphics now seem too much cartoonish and much less warlike(it seems to me as if youre trying to get younger players in to it), and anyway whats up with the new pink enemy castle??the arrows were made less effective too since they all converge at the same spot and not on a bigger area like before when they are at the furthest 3 stars just cuz the game was awesome and i hope youll make up for it
The last refreshment is the worst ive ever seen,now all is wrong
I remember when I was smaller I would always play this game on a different phone.The game is basically the same as back then but they didnt add gems to this version and I really hope they do so the game could be like on other phones plz and thnks
The game has a terrible difficulty curve. It goes from really easy to impossible in one level to the next.
Highly "not" recommended!